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  • Elvie Amiscosa

Safety Grab Bars for the Bathroom

Do not underestimate the difference that installing safety grab bars for the bathroom can make in others lives. Safety grab bars provide those with limited mobility a means to safely support their weight while sitting, standing, or otherwise using restroom facilities. We install safety grab bars installation for the bathroom in both commercial and residential buildings to ensure that everyone has safe and convenient access to the restroom.

Safety Grab Bars for Shower:

Both homes and healthcare facilities alike can benefit from having safety grab bars for the shower installed. Safety grab bars for the shower allow the elderly and disabled the ability to safely move about the shower without needing the assistance of another person. In healthcare facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes, safety grab bars for the shower allow patients the ability to bathe on their own schedules, without waiting on the assistance of a nurse. At home, safety grab bars for the shower provide everybody with a little more peace of mind, knowing that slips in the shower are a thing of the past.

Safety Grab Bars for Bathtubs:

Another great option for bathing are safety grab bars for bathtubs. Safety grab bars for bathtubs are designed to support the weight of people as they lower themselves into a tub. Safety grab bars for bathtubs can also be used for assistance when standing up and climbing out of the tub, instead of relying on another person to help.

Safety Grab Bars for Toilets:

Safety grab bars for toilets are popular in commercial buildings with public restroom facilities. Installing safety grab bars for toilets in commercial buildings ensures that the property is accessible to all, by providing a means to safely sit and stand while using the toilet. Installing safety grab bars for toilets at home ensures the same level of safety, and is one of the most convenient ways to install safety grab bars for the bathroom at home.

Our Services:

We provide everything needed for a successful installation of safety grab bars for the bathroom. Our team is experienced working with Medicaid, Medicare, and Managed Long Term Care patients to ensure the best DME Installation services possible.

Call now for a free consultation: 718-627-5781

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